If you have medication or clinical questions, we have a few options for you…
1. Use our patient portal. You can create a new account for yourself and have a secure messaging portal with our staff.
2. OR – Call us at 630-371-9980
3. OR – If you are having any difficulty with the phone system, please email or text us at:
For your privacy, please do not include any patient specific information when texting or emailing us. Please only include your contact information and a staff person will contact you – thank you.
From the kick off, I was very impressed as for his level of concern he had for me. Many ways to approach my problem, detailed AT MY LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING! Explanation at first visit To my procedure, followup calling me to see how things were going. He cares and keeps one in the loop.
I want to share my great experience. I've been dealing with leg and back pain for at least 2 years. i was referred to Doctor Glaser, Maria and David. They are all pleasant, professional and they have your best interest in dealing with pain. They are so helpful and listen to you to determine the best way to put your pain under control. They take their time with you and don't rush the appointment. The staff that welcomes you is also very pleasant. I can't say "Thank You" enough to the doctor and his great staff....they are the best!
Learn about our 72 Hour Commitment to your pain relief.
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Control Your Pain event; Summary
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Superion Post-Operative Care Guidelines
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